Following a welcome hot drink and plan of action at Keith Drury's house in Birstall we, including Steve Hill, set about making a detailed analysis of the requirements from our prospective for the connect 2 GI signage requirement's of route 48 north from Whiles Lane Birstall north to Rearsby village.
Keith was very organised with his recording system of folder and camera which gave Steve and myself plenty of opportunities to talk with familiar cycling faces as they passed by wondering what we were up to.
I found it quite interesting to see where the route actually goes on the Eastern side through Watermead Park since the new paths have been surfaced and bridges constructed in recent years.
I usually cycle on the Western side of King Lears lake.
- Looking at the road crossing on the Old Fosse Road near Syston Triangle.

There is a possibility of us claiming a mile post or two. One of which we thought would/could be sited adjacent to the North end car park in Watermead, the other if we get it further on into the Vale of Belvoir, more news on this at a later date.
The route through Syston has not yet been confirmed as there are a few options, which we looked at, the best being to split following the one way systems in each direction to and from Syston church where signs are in place through to Hickling Basin.
We continued to Rearsby village and found a few problem areas with existing signs which will need to be repositioned in future.
We parted company at Rearsby with plans of another ride to access the remaining section of 48 into the Vale of Belvoir sometime soon.
-Rearsby Ford